Murrieta Church of Christ

Mission Statement

“Love God. Love People. Make Disciples”

Murrieta Church Baptism

Jesus gave his followers a clear mission to pursue: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

He also told his followers that they should be doing good things so others will give thanks to God. (Matthew 5:16)

The Murrieta Church of Christ is striving to be faithful to this calling to be good representatives of God to each other and the world around us.

Vision Goals

These goals are what we’d like to continually achieve as a Church body.

1. To worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth as we encourage each other.

Jesus said that true worshippers will worship him in Spirit and truth. (John 4:23) When we gather for any activity, pulling weeds in a widow’s back yard, praying over the phone with one who is hurting, or singing with gusto on Sunday morning, the purpose is to praise God and encourage one another. The Hebrew writer says in 3:13: “Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” That is our job, to be an encourager in all aspects of worship.

Murrieta Church - Greeting
Murrieta Christian Church - Kids

2. To involve every child, teen and adult in a relationship that matures their faith.

Everyone starts in this life as a baby and then grows into maturity. The church is a family of faith. One of the goals of this Church Family is the spiritual maturity of every individual. That is what our children, teen and adult groups are all about. We want everyone who is a member here to mature in their faith with age-appropriate learning. With that in mind, Bible classes and small group studies are provided and encouraged.

3. To actively be a community of prayer.

Jesus showed us that we should be dependent on God through prayer. We believe that God hears us when we pray, and that He answers every prayer. The church in Acts 2:42 devoted themselves to four things.

Acts 2:42 says that they devoted themselves to 4 things: 

1. The apostles teaching
2. To fellowship
3. To the breaking of bread
4. To prayer

We believe that prayer is essential to living this life in the direction and power to which God calls us. So prayer is practiced and emphasized among the members of the church.

Murrieta Church Mens Ministry - Prayer
Murrieta Church of Christ Building

4. To expand the Kingdom of God through church planting.

We see in the New Testament that the Christians were avid church planters. They set up churches in their homes, as well as sending missionaries around the world to plant churches.

The Murrieta Church of Christ wants to follow that example by actively planting churches in the local communities and around the world. We want to be faithful to the commission Jesus gave us to “Go into all the world and make disciples…” Matthew 28:19.

5. To serve and bless the people of our local community.

God has called His people to be a blessing to the world He created. He told us that we are to be “Salt and Light” in this world. His intent is that the world would be a better place because His people are a part of it.

The Murrieta Church of Christ wants to be a blessing to the community in which we are planted. While we may not meet all the needs of our community, we want to do our best to work with our city and neighbors to be a blessing.

Murrieta Church - Volunteering Mission of Hope

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