Murrieta Church of Christ

Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

The Murrieta Church of Christ believes that God created this world and put us here on purpose with a mission to fulfill; that He has revealed Himself to us in various ways including the Bible and the power of changed lives; that He is actively involved in our lives today and that His plans for us do not end at the end of our earthly lives.

We believe that God created mankind perfect, but mankind chose to follow their own desires instead of God’s. The Bible calls that action “Sin.” It is this sin that causes a separation between mankind and God which cannot be rectified by another sinful person.

We believe that God came to the earth in the form of a man, Jesus; lived a perfect life, and willingly gave his life as a sacrifice on our behalf so the price of our sin could be paid, and we could be reunited with God for all of eternity.

We believe that Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the grave as proof of his identity and as a promise of our future, that death is only a step into an eternal life that God has planned for us. We believe this promise is for everyone who believes in and who puts their faith in Jesus.

We believe that one of the first acts of faith a new believer does is to be baptized into Jesus through immersion in water signifying the death and burial of sin in their life, and resurrection into a new life, pure and blameless in the eyes of God.

We believe that God lives in each person who has put their faith in Him in the form of the Holy Spirit who leads and guides us to accomplish the mission God has given His people to do.

We believe that God’s people, His church, have been given the responsibility to represent God’s truth, love, and power to the world as they encourage each other to love and good works.

Holy Bible

Who We Are

The Murrieta Church of Christ is an independent Christian church which has its roots in a movement that began in the mid-1800s. This movement called itself the “Restoration Movement” because it sought to restore the unity of the New Testament church by simply relying on the revelation and teachings of the Bible. They maintained that they were not “the only Christians”, but that they were “only Christians,” not bound to creedal systems set up by men which tended to divide the Church.

The Murrieta Church of Christ holds a high view of the Bible as the revelation of God and His plan for His people. Therefore, you will see an emphasis placed on learning and following Bible truths and standards.

The Murrieta Church of Christ is a diverse group of people who never claim to be perfect, but rely on the sacrifice God made by sending Jesus to die in order to pay the price for our sin. This diverse group of people does not agree on every topic, but have realized that love for each other is greater than our disagreements.

Since Churches of Christ are independent, there will naturally be differences between individual congregations. There will be similarities because they share roots in the Restoration Movement, but there will also be differences because each one is trying to follow God’s leading according to their understanding and the talents God has given them. To really experience what we are all about, we encourage you to come and spend some time with us. We look forward to getting to know you on our mutual journey toward pursuing God’s will and God’s heart for this world.

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