Learn how God called various people throughout the Bible. People like Jonah, Moses, Ester and YOU!
Learn the three calls from God that we need to answer.
See the calling that God puts on Moses and how it changes the direction of his life.
Beware of the seduction of the default mission and three things we can learn from Esther’s call from God.
We need to see the connection between disobedience and the storms that follow.
Everyone wants to be special. But the World’s values and what God values are two different things. The World tells us you are not as valuable as athletes and super models. The Bible tells us to find our specialness in God.
Saul was serving God the best that he knew, but he was wrong! How do we sometimes fall into the same trap? Have you ever been wrong when it comes to Church, God or religion?
Do you yearn to do more? Will you deny yourself in order to gain for God’s glory? The grander vision is always the costlier vision. This is where most people hang up on the call of God. What will you do?
The Rich Young Ruler was a good man and had followed the laws his entire life. Yet, when he asks Jesus what else he needs to do to inherit eternal life, Jesus says something he was not expecting and he walked away sorrowful.