Spiritual Pause
Take a quick 5-minute break to explore answers to common faith questions with our Spiritual Pause videos.
Take a quick 5-minute break to explore answers to common faith questions with our Spiritual Pause videos.
You may not always have time to dive into a 45-minute Bible lesson, but we all can find five minutes. That’s why we created our Spiritual Pause videos.
Take a moment in your day to explore topics like the history of holidays and their significance to Christians, the reasons behind Christian practices, and much more.
We hope these videos inspire you to reflect and grow in your spiritual journey. If you have questions or ideas for future Spiritual Pause videos, we’d love to hear from you!
We hope you enjoy our 5-minute messages and that you will share them with family and friends!
Our Spiritual Pause videos are created to inspire each one of us to take a 5-minute pause in our day to redirect our focus towards spiritual growth and understanding.
Exodus chapter 12 is a turning point for the Israelite people and God, in His infinite wisdom, uses the Passover to announce a new turning point in human history.
One of the most important moments is Jesus’ death and resurrection. Watch this short video to learn or be reminded about the true significance of Easter.
In this Spiritual Pause video, we briefly answer the question….what does it mean to worship? And more importantly, how can we be sure that our worship is pleasing to God?
“Remember” is a common message throughout the Bible. From God telling the Israelites to remember their freedom from Egyptian slavery and the implementation of Passover to how we are told to remember… through communion.
Prayer is a vital spiritual discipline but, as with any discipline, it requires practice, training, and devotion. If you haven’t been expanding your prayer life, here are some words of encouragement.
Watch now as Doug talks about the importance of Memorial Day as a time to remember those that have sacrificed for our freedoms; both on a national level and Biblically.
To truly understand and love each other the way that Jesus does us, we need to take the time to hear, discover, and even honor our diverse histories and life experiences.
Discipleship is not a word we use every day. Yet, Jesus calls us to be disciples. But do you know what that means? Listen as Pastor Doug talks about the meaning of discipleship.
While Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the holiest day of the Jewish year) are Jewish observed holidays, they are important to all those that call themselves Christians. Learn why now.
To truly understand and love each other the way that Jesus does us, we need to take the time to hear, discover, and even honor our diverse histories and life experiences.
Discipleship is not a word we use every day. Yet, Jesus calls us to be disciples. But do you know what that means? Listen as Pastor Doug talks about the meaning of discipleship.
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